Let's Stay Focused At Work

Completing tasks in the workplace can be very stressful at times.  It seems like there is so much to accomplish with so little time. But the key is staying focused in the midst of distractions and commotion. Here are six habits that I practice to maintain a productive day at work.
  • Write out a “Things to Do” list and plan your day. It’s so vital to me to have a list of what I need to tackle for the day. This is an excellent way of staying on track.
  • Schedule each assignment.  Instead of working on one small project until it’s complete, try working on it for maybe a half hour.  That way, you can give attention to the next task.  This helps me to work on each assignment effectively.  In some cases, you may have to give more time and attention to a more urgent assignment.
  • Do not check personal email or any social networks in the morning. Personal emails and other social networks, such as Facebook; MySpace; Twitter, and etc. Social networks are very distracting and time consuming for me. I try to make time for those on my lunch hour or in between breaks. I have to admit, it can be very tempting when my friends send me links, or funny messages. It’s so easy to get side tracked for hours
  • Listen to the right types of music. Music is a great way of settling into the work routine. In addition, having music can drown out office noises like printers and background conversations. I strongly suggest soft music such as smooth jazz. I can’t work when listening to songs with lots of lyrics because it distracts me from concentrating.
  • Eat lunch at your desk. I eat lunch at my desk only if I’m really trying to meet a deadline. It keeps me from wasting time on my break. The normal one hour lunch break can really interrupt any focus at times. Usually, when I eat lunch at my desk, I don’t break as long, and that’s when I can check my personal emails.
  • Make co-workers respect your time. Let people know (nicely) that you are in the middle of completing an assignment. 

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