Rest In God

Have you ever believed God for something and found yourself losing sleep from trying to figure out how He was going to come through? Or maybe it was something that you tried to make happen with your own limited knowledge and wisdom. Ok, well maybe you’re the person who likes to call God on the scene after you have exhausted all of your options. I know that it's not easy to be “still” and know that “God is in control” in the middle of crisis.  I found out that I was adding unnecessary stress to my life by worrying about things that I had absolutely no control over. I hope by reading this, you will learn how to respond when life takes us all the way to the ragged edge of reality or through the storms of life.                                                                        Let’s begin to trust God first, and not last by resting in Him.  Let me ask you a question; what do you do in times of your storms or when life takes you to the ragged edge of reality?

God's Word to us when we're experiencing a storm is to RELAX.  Psalm 46:10 says to "Be still," which literally means relax. It means to "let your arms down to your side"—to be vulnerable to God. He also says to "know that I am God." He calls for a cognitive response. I remember watching the Basketball Playoffs when the Lakers beat the Celtics. We nervously watched the game live on TV. But when the networks replayed on television, we watched calmly, relaxed — because we knew the outcome. We cease striving not because we know how it's going to work out, but because we know the God who will work it out.

What can we know about God that we can hang on to no matter how dark it gets?
  • God is actively busy as our protector, providing strength and help. He never lets anything into our lives that he can't turn to glory and our good.
  • God won't leave you in the ditch. He stayed with Joseph even when Potiphar sentenced him to prison.
  • God's reputation rides on our problems; he'll resolve our problems for His glory.
    -Illustration: King Jehoshaphat faced the military threat of three nations, and turned to God for help. God's answer to him through the prophet Jahaziel: "The battle is not yours. It is the Lord's."
So instead of being consumed by our problems, we should
·         Turn our face to the Lord.
·         We should embrace God, believing he'll be our refuge, that he'll be exalted.
·         Like Job, we should be able to say, "Though he slay me, yet will I trust him."
I pray that this blog has encouraged you to be faithful in trusting God when you’re  at the edge. And Remember, God knows the end at the beginning, which means He knows the outcome. We always win!
Keep Winning,                                                                                ~DymeataB.~

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